
Over 30'000 titles on Swiss and international contemporary history are available in the reference library. It supplements the archive holdings, contains publications with source character and the most important current secondary literature.


  • Contemporary history of Switzerland (especially politics and economy)
  • Jewish contemporary history and Holocaust
  • Right-wing extremism (National Socialism, revisionism)

The library contains subject-related monographs, biographies, handbooks and reference works, brochures, official publications, press organs and journals.

The library of the Archives of Contemporary History is connected to the national library platform swisscovery. The book titles can be retrieved via external page ETH Library @ swisscovery. As a pure reference library, there is no lending service. Use is on site in the reading room. Digital copies can be ordered via swisscovery.

Opening hours

Monday to Tuesday and Thursday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Wednesday closed. (deviant opening hours)

Contact & Info

  • +41 44 632 40 03
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