Exhibition «Handel im Wandel – Vom Vorort zu economiesuisse (1870-2020)»
June 3, 2021, 6:p.m. – Exhibition opening with Gregor Spuhler (AfZ), Ursula Gut-Winterberger (Foundation Archives of Contemporary History), Monika Rühl (economiesuisse), Andrea Franc (University of Basel) and Daniel Nerlich (AfZ).
In 2020, the umbrella organization of the Swiss economy turned 150 years old. The archives of economiesuisse and its predecessor organizations «Schweizerischer Handels- und Industrie-Verein» (SHIV) and «Gesellschaft zur Förderung der schweizerischen Wirtschaft» (wf) are located at the Archives of Contemporary History.
Due to the pandemic, the archives presented documents on the history of the federations on the occasion of their 151st anniversary and thus addressed core topics of Swiss economic policy. In addition to written documents, excerpts from eyewitness interviews with decision-makers as well as industrial and educational films were presented.
Picture gallery
Switzerland's prosperity and social security were and are closely linked to the shaping of economic framework conditions and the development of trade relations with other countries. A decisive factor here is the successful domestic political balancing of different interests. The exhibition shed light on the role of the business federation in this process.
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Ausstellungseröffnung, 3. Juni 2021
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Film zum economiesuisse-Jubiläum
Desktop and tablet version of the exhibition
Media review
Vom Vorort zu Economiesuisse: Vor 150 Jahren wurde der älteste Dachverband der Schweizer Wirtschaft gegründet (external page NZZ, 2020-03-12)
150 Jahre Interessenorganisationen der Schweizer Wirtschaft (ETHeritage-Blog, 2021-05-21)