Acquisition of private archives
What does the Archives of Contemporary History archive?
The Archives preserve documents with unique character according to the collection profile.
Specifically, the following documents are of interest:
- So called «life documents», curricula vitae, testimonials
- Diaries, notebooks, travel journals, autobiographical texts
- Documents concerning family history and origin as family trees, family books, records from the legacy of ancestors and family members etc.
- Documents of all kinds concerning activities and engagements and memberships
- Correspondence (e-mails, letters)
- Manuscripts – weather or not a writing has been published - and all working papers
- Audiovisuel materials such as photos, photo albums, slides, fillms, audio documents
Libraries, collections not directly related to the person, and objects are more likely not to be accepted. In case of doubt, please discuss the disposal of documents with the AfZ in advance!

- Founding documents, statutes, organization charts
- Minutes (general meetings, board meetings, committees, working groups)
- Correspondence (e-mails, letters) and missives
- Annual reports, anniversary brochures, commemorative publications
- Documents on public relations, events, press releases
- Budget, annual accounts, fundraising / donations
- Membership lists
- Documents on business activities, projects, commitments and memberships
- Audiovisual materials such as photos/photo albums/slides, films, audio documents
Accounting documents, documents on the employment relationships of staff (human resources) and documentation with no direct connection to the institution are not accepted. In case of doubt, please discuss the disposal of documents with the AfZ in advance!